Religion and God

    These Dharmgurus have  taken tremendous  liberty in framing rules in the name of God.
 Actually for maintaining society,   But stringent  rules have  made life of follower miserable,  suffocating, In history and in  present days, we see  some religions are getting extinct or  remained with very few followers  Why? Religion  should    be flexible enough to   fulfill  the aspiration of mankind . It should accommodate  requirements of changing time . Religion  is  formed  for mankind,  if fallowers leave it, because of impracticabilty,  to whom  will you apply  it..?
 In my  early days of serious religeon   practising,  I joined  a, Jamaat,, I saw  many  New subscribers, after  6 month or year got  fedup  with these stringent, suffocating methods,  have rebelled,   reverted to, a level worst then before.They  put me in guilty state of mind.  Utter,this Dua , after, getting up in morning , utter  that  while  entering in wash room or coming out, Hundreds  of Du,a ,s even in  bedroom  Not a single, a single moment is  spared.  These  all retuals are , not from Almighty, but from  Mulla, pandit ,Dharmguru.   they make us slave of Religion .
