Religion and God

I conclude,  all cosmos,  galaxy, planets earth, in focus human and all living ,non living things on earth are MANIFESTATIONS  of ENERGY  and we living things  of aminoacid proteins, we know of atomic energy, atomic bomb, by breaking or fusion tremendous  energy is realised and we all are made of  same atoms.  Imagine how large amount of energy we hold , there is rule energy not get destroyed  nor be created , It only changes its form. At present we are human  next  what will be our form, ? After our death all molecule  ,atoms  get separated  get dispersed,    in enviroment   air,water,mud  , may became apart of grass ,tree, goat  ,cow  lion, or grain and birds or become rock  ,all this take some year to million billion years, this we can call PUNAR-JANMA not of only one but  a mixture of  so many creatures  together, This is happening since  birth of earth  shaffling  and shaffling,
  When a machine is assembled, properly ,it works, but non of part work  separately you can watch a video on manufacturing  of PUF  when alcohol is mixed with diisocynate  both liquid  , by  reaction forms  foam   a spongy solid material comes to existance  , thus by mixture of different  aminoacid (energy molecules ) so many models been created ,.we call human has Aatma,  the spirit which keep it working, if that is left from body, working stops, IF SO we have to allote Aatma   to  animals, plants shrub grass, bacteria even to virus and bacterio phase,   Because   the body mechanism  of all is working.
