Religion and God

When I came to Saudi my slate was totally blank as  a muslim. and the atmosphere  was religeously virulent. deeply ingraving it's ideology on my mind. The holi month of Ramadan impacted  me a lot, this was not my weakness or fault, but it was realy so impressing, holiness was filled in every  corner of society. Every person was striving to achieve maximum blessings of Allah through good doing, good thinking  purifying their self Ahaha,!! what a scene at Iftaar, my life got meaning,by in that MAAHOL Though the day was so boaring  and deserted,  hot sunny day, empty roads , just like the city been curfewed, not a single pedestrian except like us,New immigrant, not having four wheeler,two wheelar not allowed,once one of my native tried to drive a motorcycle ,he was caught and vehicle been confiscated .It is very  benevolent  month in Islam , every good doing and worshipping  Allah,   ,is rewarded many fold ,  So 3-4 boys among us, first time went to Mekka to   perform UMRA ,it is just like HUJ can be performed  any time , not as HAJ. on perticular  month  Every thing was a new experience,  I was Newly been MUSLIM, though by birth, perfored all rituals as per our senior  roommate said.  one has to recite so many prayers so many verses,  and perform Namaaz, that too in Arabic,   while circulating The House of Allah, one has to recite verses  and I was  not at all able to utter properly ,my tongue was not  turning as not habituated to that language. UMRA finish, return back , what I did , I do,n't know, one of my Hydrabaadi  mate ask,have you had prey ,two rakaat salate at mukaam e Ibrahim,it is said foot print of prophet Ibrahim ,I said where is that, oh,hell  what type of UMRA you perform,  just waste,I felt too bad,took oath, determine to learn every thing and perform the ritual my own.I was familarised with alphabets of Arabic  ,started reading Quraan  roommates use to guide  I completed  whole Quraan reading in a month ,read booklets of retuals ,performed Next time UMRA Alone as I determined.
